Let's Talk ___ with Tiffany Jordan
Hey guys, I’m Tiffany Jordan - a mom of 3, a wife, and a firm believer that success looks different. I’m going to dive into all things parenting, relationships, business, marketing, personal growth, and everything else that life throws at us. There’s no gate keeping here. Follow along as we talk goals and the strategy to get you where you want to go.
Now, let’s talk.
Let's Talk ___ with Tiffany Jordan
Let's Talk - Growth & Change
My FIRST Episode, rebranded from Coffee, Kids, & Cocktails into Let's Talk with Tiffany Jordan.
Today we dive into growth and change and what lead me to change from Coffee Kids & Cocktails to a self branded platform.
This episode is brought to you by Boutique Rugs - use code COFFEEKIDS for 10% off your order.
Or check out my blog post to see which rug I got and how it transformed our space.