Let's Talk ___ with Tiffany Jordan
Hey guys, I’m Tiffany Jordan - a mom of 3, a wife, and a firm believer that success looks different. I’m going to dive into all things parenting, relationships, business, marketing, personal growth, and everything else that life throws at us. There’s no gate keeping here. Follow along as we talk goals and the strategy to get you where you want to go.
Now, let’s talk.
Let's Talk ___ with Tiffany Jordan
Let's Talk Rebranding Part 1
Rebranding part 1 - How I knew I needed to move on from Coffee, Kids, & Cocktails, and the questions I asked myself when I had to decide if I could rebrand or if I needed to start from scratch.
If you are thinking of rebranding, or even thinking of starting a side hustle or your own business, you need to hear this!
Here's where you can take ACTION:
Ask yourself these questions. Have a conversation with yourself, journal them, or talk to another person - maybe your partner, a business colleague, or a business coach.
Is your current business scalable with your goals?
Do you have the same audience, is there overlap, or do you completely have to start over?
Are you ok with seeing little interaction with your new services but to stay consistent and grow your message?
visit Tiffany-Jordan.com to watch the rebrand and evolution of the business come to life! Ooh, and if you're thinking of starting a side hustle or jumping in to your own business, head over and download some of the free resources we have for you!