Let's Talk ___ with Tiffany Jordan
Hey guys, I’m Tiffany Jordan - a mom of 3, a wife, and a firm believer that success looks different. I’m going to dive into all things parenting, relationships, business, marketing, personal growth, and everything else that life throws at us. There’s no gate keeping here. Follow along as we talk goals and the strategy to get you where you want to go.
Now, let’s talk.
Let's Talk ___ with Tiffany Jordan
Quarterly Planning
Hard Truth - I have been in a creative rut feeling like I don't know what to do next. And that's a hard realization when your job literally requires you to be creative at all moments.
So I went back to basics and started quarterly planning for myself. Diving in really allowed me to get clarity and define what I needed to do next to make those movements in my personal and professional life.