Let's Talk ___ with Tiffany Jordan
Hey guys, I’m Tiffany Jordan - a mom of 3, a wife, and a firm believer that success looks different. I’m going to dive into all things parenting, relationships, business, marketing, personal growth, and everything else that life throws at us. There’s no gate keeping here. Follow along as we talk goals and the strategy to get you where you want to go.
Now, let’s talk.
Let's Talk ___ with Tiffany Jordan
Cluster F*ck
This week we are kind of all over the place. I guess that's what we get for not seeing each other for a few weeks. We talk about what we've been up to, Hannah's upcoming travel plans, World Cancer Day, and a follow up on the Mental Health episode. Whew! That was a cluster, but we had a great time and touched on so many things we wanted to mention.
A few things we mentioned in the podcast, just in case you want to do your own research.
Apple A Day
Be The Match